Station on air in a year?

1979 11 16 Western TimesDevon’s new independent local radio station, DevonAir, is expecting to be a broadcasting in about a year from now. Good progress is being made with plans to put the station or on the air, its Secretary, Mr. Hamish Turner, said yesterday.

The station will serve the Exeter, Exmouth, Honiton, Tiverton, Crediton, Newton Abbot, Torbay and a large part of East and Mid Devon.

Mr. Turner said that it was hoped shortly to submit an application under the building regulations to Exeter City council for the adaptation of work needed on properties at St. Davids Hill Exeter to turn down in two main studios and administration offices.

“Subject to receiving approval, we will be starting building work early next year.” He said.

Good progress

Radio Haldon Limited, the operating company, has changed its name to it DevonAir Radio Limited and his directors have made a 50 per cent call on shareholders with good progress reported.

Mr. Turner said that applications from experience people in the industry were coming in for senior appointments in the station including that of managing director and chief executive and short lists were being prepared.